Work Experience

Territorium Inc., San Antonio, TX
Senior Vice President, Higher Education (2023 – Present)

Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, NJ
Associate Vice President, Global Higher Education (2021-2023)
Executive Director, Global Higher Education (2017-2021)
Senior Director, Business Development (2012-2017)

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Department Chair, Full Professor and Dean´s Fellow (2006 – 2012)
President of the College Senate (2006-2009)
Associate Professor – Director of Graduate Studies (1998 – 2006)

Radford University, Radford, VA
Assistant Professor (1994-1998)


EUDE European Business School (2017)

Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Georgia (1994)

Spanish and Latin American Literatures, University of Georgia (1990)

Hispanic Philology. Universitat de Barcelona. (Summa Cum Laude, 1988)

Selected References

“Alberto has proven contributions in the realm of higher education. Having had the pleasure of interacting with him, I am continually impressed by his unwavering dedication to fostering a collaborative and team-oriented environment. Alberto possesses a unique ability to seamlessly integrate into diverse teams, bringing forth a wealth of knowledge and expertise that significantly enriches the academic experience. His reliability is truly commendable – a dependable resource one can consistently rely on his word and commitment to partnerships. In addition to his remarkable work ethic, Alberto consistently demonstrates a keen understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. His adaptability and innovative thinking contribute significantly to overcoming challenges and driving positive change within the academic community.”

George Haddad
Liaison International

“Alberto Acereda´s expertise in global higher education, strategic planning and implementation, and leadership is unquestionable. I am most impressed with his creative and analytic approaches to problem solving. He is an extremely thoughtful, considerate and compassionate individual. He is a man of impeccable character and integrity. What I find most delightful is his quick wit and good sense of humor. He is genuine, smart, and fair. He is the whole package!”

Carlos Grijalva
Dean and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of California, Los Angeles

“Alberto Acereda brings to ETS’s efforts an extraordinary combination of knowledge and experience in the world of education. Few colleagues possess his sense of how innovation is unfolding in the wider world or his avid imparting of that wisdom to the rest of us. In addition to these highly valuable contributions of connections and competence on such critical subjects as distance education and competency based credentialing, Alberto is a gracious and kind colleague whom I feel very lucky to have met in just the last few years. Any Chief Learning Officer would consider him or herself very lucky to have a colleague like Alberto; I know I do.”

T.J. Elliott
CLO and Vicepresident

“As Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University I was consistently impressed by Dr. Acereda. In every circumstance, including leading a particularly complex and difficult faculty process for the College, he demonstrated the highest levels of competence, planning, communication, professionalism, and natural leadership skills. He acts with great integrity and very special interpersonal skill. Given the opportunity, I would welcome the chance to work again with Dr. Acereda under any circumstance. I can recommend him highly as a reliable and inspiring colleague who is an absolute pleasure to work with.”

Quentin Wheeler
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

“Alberto was a valued and proven partner to the Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education for the years that I served there. He brought great insights personally as well as his incredible network to help us address challenges and opportunities. His engagement benefitted me personally and professionally every day!”

Peter Garland
Executive Vice Chancellor Emeritus
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

“I have worked with Alberto for several years. He has impressed me in many ways, but the most notable are (a) his ability to hear significant criticism, identify what is reasonable and what isn’t, and respond effectively to what is reasonable, (b) his ability to think creatively and comprehensively about the future of the organization by building on its existing strengths, identifying opportunities for growth, and by de-emphasizing or eliminating areas that have outlived their usefulness, and (c) his appreciation for a diversity of opinions and his understanding that social, cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, and other forms of diversity are important not to check a box, but because the different backgrounds and experiences that people bring help any organization to serve its constituency more effectively.”

Kent Holsinger
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School
University of Connecticut

“Having stepped into his current position at a time of dramatic change, Alberto has demonstrated remarkable creativity and agility in responding to rapidly changing market conditions. He listens carefully to both potential customers and his colleagues, has a good idea for emerging opportunities and also has the discipline and good sense to know that all of those opportunities are not worth pursuing – at least not at the same time. Collaborative, collegial, all with intelligence and humor. Can’t imagine a person I would more like to have to help me negotiate the way from point A to point B”.

Suzanne Ortega
President of the Council of Graduate Schools

“A standout leader is what comes to mind when I think of Alberto Acereda. Alberto promotes innovation, fearlessly embraces change, and manages to achieve remarkable results while honoring his staff’s humanity. A witty conversationalist, his ability to partner effectively with clients in academia, government or business make him a triple threat!! He is an effective leader versed in subject matter expertise alongside a commitment to inspire those he leads.”

Yvette Donado
Diversity & Inclusion Strategists, LLC